Purpose Driven Workshops: Live Your True Identity and Purpose


Are you a Catholic seeking to enrich your life with purpose and simplicity? We invite you to build a vision for your life, develop an interior compass oriented to Christ, and craft a plan of life in uniformity with God. Our tailored approach combines strategic and systematic tools with coaching, empowering you to live with purpose and become intentional with your time, talent, and treasure. Join us on a transformative journey where contemplation meets action, and let's build a life well spent with God.

Get equipped with basic tools and knowledge so as you can move from:

- Disorder → order & simplicity

- Overwhelm & Anxiety → time management & productivity

- Procrastination & Distraction → self-awareness & accountability


Interactive exercises, engaging group discussion, and bonus workbook to tailor learnings to unique journey.

What you will get:

Build a lifestyle of peace, rest and bearing fruit in their personal, spiritual and professional lives.

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