
Behind the Brand

  • Who We Are

    We're a community and platform dedicated to guiding individuals in leading purposeful lives grounded in their Catholic faith. Our solutions align actions with higher purposes.

  • What We Do

    Our workshops, coaching programs, planners, and other tools help individuals gain clarity, align plans with God's purpose, and develop effective time management strategies.

  • What We Believe

    We believe in living a purposeful life guided by Catholic values. Our community values empathy, support, and a commitment to growth in harmony with our faith.

Simplicity and Productivity Co.'s Mission:

Our mission at Simplicity and Productivity Co. is to support Catholics in their personal development as they strive to lead faith-centered and fruitful lives. We aim to engage with individuals who are committed to seamlessly integrating their cherished Catholic values into their everyday lives amidst the complexities of our modern world, offering a steadfast anchor.

Our approach is designed for those in search of profound purpose and meaning, and we share our own journey and experiences in pursuit of this truth. Among our offerings, we provide tools and resources to facilitate personal growth, break undesirable habits, and establish new ones that align with Catholic values.

Our company's mission is to inspire Catholics to live more intentionally, anchored in Christ, embracing simplicity, and pursuing their God-given mission in accordance with their baptismal calling. We encourage individuals to prioritize the things that truly matter, find freedom, joy, and true happiness in God's mission for their lives.

Meet Monica

Monica's Journey: From ER Nurse to Catholic Entrepreneur

Monica's story is a testament to the transformative power of faith and resilience. She began her career as an Emergency Room Nurse, dedicating her life to caring for those in need. But as she balanced her demanding profession with her growing responsibilities as a Catholic entrepreneur, author, and board game publisher, she found herself overwhelmed and anxious about her daily to-dos and obligations.

However, Monica's faith and determination became her guiding light. Through God's grace, diligence, goal-setting, and unwavering discipline, she overcame the obstacles that stood in the way of fulfilling her obligations. With a deep commitment to living a life of purpose, intentionality, and fruitfulness anchored in her Catholic principles and faith, Monica acquired a new sense of freedom, purpose, and fulfillment.

Monica's journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith and the ability to overcome life's challenges. She brings her unique perspective as an ER nurse, entrepreneur, author, and publisher to her work, combining her professional experiences with her unwavering Catholic faith.

Monica's Principles:

Monica's principles are rooted and founded in the teachings of the Catholic Church. Her dedication to her faith and commitment to the dignity of the human person guide her work and her mission. She lends her voice to speak on issues of economic disparity, the dignity of the human person, and education through her various platforms, including Princedom Publications, Catholic Events, and Chicamod Co.

Monica's mission is to inspire others through faith and reason to pursue truth and live out their mission and God-given purpose. As she passionately believes, "Everything a baptized person does every day should be directly or indirectly related to the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy" in the spirit of Dorothy Day.

Why Simplicity and Productivity?

Living simply is freedom.

We are inundated with so much information that we are drowning. How can we come to a place of peace and tranquility. How can we reduce the anxiety to order our lives to live more with intention and purpose.

We are called to bear fruit.

In Parable of the Talents Matthew 25:14–30, the story narrates of a master who was leaving his house to travel entrusting his property to his servants with the conclusion that the faithful servant is rewarded according to his stewardship. 


  • Princedom Publications

    Stories that inspire. Wielding the art of storytelling, to encourage living well through learning.


  • Chicamod

    Chicamod is an online marketplace that aims to empower local producers from developing nations to aesthetically driven consumers from all over the world.


  • Catholic Maker

    To help the domestic church in their mission to bring Catholic truth, beauty, and goodness to every aspect of life through maker exhibitions and community gatherings


  • The Catholic Event

    Catholic event platform - curating catholic events and experiences.
