Ready to break free from the mundane and embrace fulfillment and impact?

Welcome to Catholic Pathways Membership – a transformative experience for those seeking a life fully alive.

Every month
Every year

Tailored for Purpose-Driven Catholics, we blend faith with practical tools for a fulfilling life aligned with God's will. Join our supportive community and evolve into a Faith-Centric Trailblazer.

What you’ll gain in Catholic Faithful Pathways:

  • Learn at your own pace about life purpose, productivity, and time management from a Catholic perspective.

  • Frequency: Once a month, every last Thursday, for a 1-hour session.

  • Frequency: Twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday.

    Format: 1 hr

    • Opening Prayer

    • Q&A Session

    • Follow-up on Action Steps from Last Session

    • Collaborative Worksheet Exploration

    • Sharing Takeaways and Setting Action Steps

    • Feedback Exchange for Improvement

  • Access dedicated time for personalized support, including accountability check-ins and 1:1 coaching opportunities.

  • Connect, share experiences, and learn from others on a similar journey of aligning goals with their Catholic faith.

  • Access exclusive bundle and affiliate rates for additional 1:1 support with selected coaches.

Sign up for a year and receive two months free!

Catholic Pathways Membership
Every month
Every year

Get a deeper sense of who you are and the value you can bring, along with strategies and tools to begin living that life of purpose

Embark on Your Journey to a Purposeful Life!

Don't miss out on transformative benefits:

  • Unlock a like and Christ-minded community of support.

  • Discover your unique purpose and live it out.

  • Join transformative growth programs and enriching workshops.

  • Benefit from group and individual coaching for personalized guidance.

  • Access a treasure trove of supplemental resources, tools, and templates.

    Bonus: Embark on a transformative journey with the Life of Purpose Planner tool – meticulously crafted to empower, inspire, and guide you toward a life of genuine freedom, joy, and fulfillment.

Membership Benefits:

  • Access to exclusive content and updates.

  • Early bird pricing on future programs and events.

  • Money-back guarantee within the first 30 days.

  • Sign up for a year and receive two months free!

Every month
Every year


Hi, so glad to meet you!

I was born in a rural village in Uganda with an ambitious dream: to attend Harvard Business School and complete an MBA. Dreams are indeed valid, but life often has its own plans. Instead, I found myself on a path in nursing, eventually becoming an Emergency and Trauma nurse at one of the largest trauma hospitals in the country. Over the past decade, working in the emergency setting, I've witnessed the profound impact of a lack of purpose and faith in people's lives, often leading to restlessness and numerous illnesses.

In the midst of this world of suffering, we are all meant for a greater purpose. Drawing inspiration from our baptismal calling to cast the net as Christ asked the disciples, we are  being called to lead others to the kingship of Christ, my greatest joy lies in sharing the treasures of the Church with those I encounter.

While I never imagined myself as an entrepreneur, I've come to understand that the Lord, in His infinite grace and mercy, invites us to explore endeavors beyond our wildest imagination. My own conversion story is a testament to this divine invitation. I've learned that when we align ourselves with the Lord and His mission, He unfailingly supports us. The challenges on this journey are real, but I remain steadfast in my belief that within the supportive embrace of a community and the richness of the Church’s sacramental life, we find the strength to persevere and tap into each other's resilience and excellence.

As a single homeschooling mother with no prior business background, I stand as a living testament to the extraordinary ways in which the Lord works through ordinary people. I firmly believe that if the Lord can work through me, He can accomplish even more through those who are willing to dedicate their time and talents to His divine mission, laboring for the common good and the glory of God.

Despite facing doubts about the feasibility of my ideas, I have continued to take action as I seek to obey and submit to God's will. With God’s grace, I've gathered resources, invested prayer, time, and effort, and transformed abstract concepts into tangible products. My journey has encompassed building both digital and physical products, publishing children’s books, organizing events, and fostering collaborations, all driven by the deep conviction that the Body of Christ is rich in talents, and that together, we can be the change we desire to see in the world.

My endeavors include Princedom Publications (focused on product development and publishing), Catholic Maker (a non-profit dedicated to community building and event curation), Mater Dolororosa (centered around product development, encompassing both digital and physical products, as well as service development), and Catholic events (dedicated to business development, forging strategic partnerships, and product development), among others. While I acknowledge that I may not be an expert in every field, I thrive on collaboration and building networks to ensure that no resources are left untapped, and all gaps are effectively bridged in furtherance of the mission of the Church.

My foundation and principles are deeply rooted in the beauty of the Catholic faith, where faith and mission significance converge, fully embracing entrepreneurship and impact-driven endeavors.

I am here to accompany you on your journey through community, support, prayer, strategizing, and accountability as you passionately pursue the mission that God has envisioned for your life. True happiness lies in contributing to the common good and advancing the mission for the glory of God.


  • Catholic Pathways is the right fit if you are driven by a desire to make a positive impact in alignment with your faith and values. Our program is designed for individuals at any stage of their journey who are willing to grow, serve, and lead with purpose.

  • Our monthly Live Workshops are scheduled to provide flexibility and accommodate different time zones. We understand the importance of accessibility, and we will work with your schedule to ensure you can participate.

  • The time commitment for mission assignments can vary based on your specific goals and projects. We will work with you to tailor assignments that align with your schedule and objectives.

  • Monica's unique blend of deep faith, diverse experiences, and a proven track record in entrepreneurship and impact-driven endeavors sets her apart. She is not just a coach but a strategic partner who understands the intersection of faith, mission, and business.

  • Yes, you will have opportunities to interact with Monica through various coaching sessions, group activities, and personalized support.

  • The Pathways Membership is $50/month.

  • We have felt overwhelmed, lost, and hopeless experiencing first hand human suffering. We have been there and this is our story. We have found the greatest treasure and we find so much joy in sharing and serving others through the skills tools and afar we have learned.

  • Our model is based on the tenants and principles rooted in Christ mission for his one true bride the Catholic Church. Rooted in tradition and faithful to the catechesis of the Church. We are faithful and adhere to the principles.

  • The investment into personal growth and development is a valuable and worthwhile undertaking as it leads ultimately to a better quality of life and satisfaction.

    Not only that, but we are called to service and money shouldn’t be something that should hold us back. It is an investment and shows our commitment to the areas we need to grow in.

Catholic Pathways Membership
Every month
Every year

A monthly subscription program aimed at helping individuals deepen their faith, develop their identity, and grow in their mission as Catholics, with a focus on human formation and personal development. Goal: To help individuals better understand their Catholic identity, purpose, and mission, and provide them with the tools and support to grow in their faith and personal development.

✓ Content covering aspects of human formation & identity
✓ Access to a community forum for members
✓ Workbooks and reflective materials
✓ Group coaching sessions
✓ Live Q&A and Coworking Sessions

Uncover the depths of your identity and the unique value you bring, while also receiving effective strategies and tools to kickstart your journey towards a purposeful life.

Ready to transform your life with Catholic Faithful Pathways?

Here's what awaits:

  1. Discover Your Unique Identity.

  2. Craft a Life Plan.

  3. Embrace Holiness and Fulfillment.

  4. Connect in a Vibrant Community.

  5. Gain Expert Guidance.

  6. Grow in Confidence.

  7. Experience Impactful Networking.

  8. Receive Long-term Support.

Ignite your path to a purposeful life with Catholic Faithful Pathways!

Join Now and Ignite Your Path!

Pricing Options:

  • ($49/month | $500/year)
    $39/month | $390/year Founder’s Pricing!

Catholic Pathways Membership
Every month
Every year

Commitment: Our participants pledge to deepen their Catholic faith through dedicated prayer, adoration, confession, and spiritual reading. These practices serve as anchors to harmonize with their missions.

Do you have an idea, dream, or inspiration that the Lord has placed on your heart? Are you ready to take action , contribute to the common good and above all, the glory of God but are unsure where to start or even how to pursue that unique dream? If you're prepared to embrace your mission with humility, accountability, and unwavering faith, join our Catholic Pathways Membership. Together, let's create a profound impact in alignment with God's divine will. We are here to champion your journey, celebrating your success in both your mission and your faith pilgrimage. Let us take action!

Insiders Club Unlock exclusive insights from the trenches and enjoy early access to our sought-after membership program. Bring your mission to life with Catholic Pathways.

House Rules

  • This is a place of humility and learning. We expect that utmost respect and beatitude is extended to all members. “He humbled himself and was fully obedient to God, even when that caused his death—death on a cross.”

  • “God made you with you, and he won't save you without you.” Not only that, but grace builds upon nature.

  • You acknowledge that you are a Catholic seeking and desiring to grow in virtue, and that you will take the necessary action to work on your interior and external life to and make this a worthwhile investment

  • At our core is the salvation of the soul. We pray that whoever makes it into the program is coming in and is committed.

  • We only want to support people who are committed to this mission and purpose. If this is not the case, then the program may not be a great fit for you.