How To: General Examination

The General Examination of Conscience is an important practice to help us grow deeper in intimacy with Christ as we prepare day by day for our mission. The exam involves reflecting on one's thoughts, words, and actions in order to identify areas where we have fallen short and seek God's forgiveness. How to prepare and method for conducting a General Examination of Conscience:

Use your Life of Purpose Planner to journal your thoughts while you do the examination

  1. Preparation: Begin by finding a quiet and peaceful place where you can reflect without distractions. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you and open your heart to God's presence.

  2. Gratitude: Start by expressing gratitude to God for His love, mercy, and blessings in your life. Recognize His goodness and thank Him for His faithfulness.

  3. Review the Commandments: Reflect on the Ten Commandments as a guide for examining your thoughts, words, and actions. Go through each commandment and consider how you have lived them or failed to live up to them.

  4. Examination of Conscience: Engage in an honest and thorough reflection on your actions, attitudes, and intentions. Ask yourself questions such as:

    • Have I loved God above all else? Have I given Him the time and reverence He deserves?

    • Have I treated others with love, kindness, and respect? Have I been patient and forgiving?

    • Have I been truthful and honest in my words and actions? Have I spoken ill of others or gossiped?

    • Have I been faithful to my commitments and responsibilities?

    • Have I been generous with my time, talents, and resources in serving others and building up the Kingdom of God?

    • Have I allowed sin, vices, or unhealthy habits to control me?

  5. Examination of Virtues: Reflect on the virtues you are striving to cultivate in your life. Consider areas where you have shown growth and areas where you need to improve. Evaluate your progress in living out virtues such as humility, patience, kindness, generosity, and chastity.

  6. Sorrow and Contrition: As you become aware of your shortcomings and sins, express sincere sorrow and contrition for them. Acknowledge the ways in which you have offended God and others through your thoughts, words, and actions. Ask for God's forgiveness and grace to grow in holiness.

  7. Act of Contrition: Pray an Act of Contrition, expressing your genuine sorrow and desire for forgiveness. Use a traditional prayer or speak from your heart, expressing your sincere repentance and commitment to change.

  8. Sacrament of Reconciliation: If you have committed serious sins (mortal sins), make a plan to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, where you can confess your sins to a priest, receive absolution, and experience God's mercy and forgiveness. Follow through with your plan as soon as possible.

  9. Resolution and Action: Based on your examination, make concrete resolutions to address areas where you need to grow and improve. Set specific goals and develop an action plan to implement virtuous habits and avoid sinful behaviors.

  10. Prayer and Graces: Conclude your General Examination of Conscience with a prayer, thanking God for His mercy and grace. Ask for His help and guidance in living a more virtuous and holy life. Offer prayers for the strength to keep your resolutions and grow in your relationship with God.

General Examination of Conscience is a personal reflection and a way to deepen your relationship with God. It is a practice of self-reflection, repentance, and seeking God's mercy and grace.


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